'Merk- en stoplappen uit het Burgerweeshuis Amsterdam'
'Ik heb een letter niet goed op de stofdraad geborduurd'
ISBN 978-90-807994-0-0, 2013
The book is richly illustrated and has 164 pages.
Price � 27,50 , excluding shipping cost.
If you want to order my book now please e-mail me
email: Textile collection - Berthi Smith-Sanders
'Wascht en manghelt glat of ick sla iou vor iou gat'
On mangling and mangle cloths
ISBN 90-807994-1-6, 2003
Booklet, 48 pages, 27 full-colour and 15 b/w pictures, size 17 x 24 cm.
Price: � 9,- or US $ 11, excluding shipping cost.
If you want to order my book now (including an English summary) please e-mail me
email: Textile collection - Berthi Smith-Sanders